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Writer's pictureBonzer


Updated: Feb 28, 2024

Monday, February 8th - the day started pretty normal. My wife kisses me on my forehood goodbye and tucks me in as she leaves for work at 5:45am (she's the bread winner and I chase clout on the internet). Both jobs are important sure, but I don't see pictures of pro athletes wearing her merch. I also host a podcast that literally dozens of people listen to. Anyways, I hop out of bed around 9am. I slept in a bit late due to the fact that one of my friends Tom Brady won his 7th ring and I stayed up until around 3 defending his honor on Twitter. Once I choose which piece of 1B merch (intern place link here) I want to wear, I head on to my PC to see if my friend J is on.

I'm excited a bit more than usual to play with him as we were going to talk super bowl and his birthday plans (he's an Aquarius), as well as Magic City Mondays in ATL. I love hearing these stories and after googling what that club is it looks like there may be females who parade the club very underdressed. Not my cup of tea but I still like hearing the stories! After I clear my search history I sign in to Bonzer on Activision. I'm merely a mortal as "Corey" but when I log into Bonzer I'm invincible.

After staring at my friends list for around 3 hours, J signs in. He joins my party roughly 7 minutes after being at the main menu. He may have been eating some food since this is around his lunchtime. When he joined, everything felt off. Was he not excited to tell me about the exotic trip he took? I pushed through the awkwardness and we played a few duo games. It wasn't the same, the vibes were off and he hardly even remember the code to the bunker which he knew by heart. I had to say something. I said, "Yo JJones, you good?" He responded, "what you mean". I may have been reading too far into it.

The next game is when things drastically took a turn for the worse. After playing our third duo game, J said he was going to search his friends list for people to invite. Was I not good enough? He searched for a while and said he had a friend named H that he was going to invite. We waited a few minutes and H never showed, this made me happy. He must be a shitty friend to leave J on read for 3 minutes. Julio and I dropped into another duo game but in the middle of it, H invites him. "Yo Bonz, my boy invited me, I'm backing out and I'll bring you with me" I was nervous.. If his friend had 3 people and Julio was the 4th, this would mean that I'm the 5th wheel. Unless they planned on playing multiplayer, I was fucked. I left my game and waited.

Five hours passed and I never got the invite. After doing some extensive research on the internet, and texting Kurt (a member of the Falcons, and yes I have his number) I found out that H was Hayden Hurst, a teammate of theirs. Being the good friend that Kurt was, he said to not take it too serious, it wasn't a big deal, but it was serious. It seemed as though I had a new enemy in my sights, Hayden Hurst. After a quick Wikipedia search it seems as though he's pretty good at football and much bigger than I am. I've beaten up taller guys before (5'7-5'9) but Hayden was bigger. Since I hate my odds of winning a hand to hand combat battle with him, I decided to write a blog post on MRagsTV. A blog that he'll surely never read, if he does things will get a bit awkward.

My intro to Julio Jones here :


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