I mean this is....something. I thought I've seen it all but now we have a legit 35-40 year old man (coward?) trying to fight a 16 year old (wait for it).....at a Call of Duty LAN tournament.
Here's the video:
It absolutely pains me that this guy is also a Yankees fan, but let's be honest it's so on brand. Also, please do not say a word to me about Gerrit Cole, Aaron Judge, or Blake Snell. I'm a Giants/Yankees fan and these past 48 hours have been too painful. Thank you for respecting my wishes. Back to the story...
First off, why is this guy even reaching across this kid's monitor in the first place?? What is he trying to point out and why is he "helping" this random team??? Where did he even come from???
After my 3rd watch thru, I realized my favorite part was when my Yankee brim said, "I'll have my 16 year old son beat you up!" Bro....where even IS your son? Second, this guy can easily be anywhere from the ages of 20-45. It's pretty impressive how you could've told me any age within that range and I would've believe you.
But since he has a 16 year old we gotta safely say at the youngest he's 35 right? So he definitely grew up during the Halo, Gears, CoD 4 days where game chat was....well if you know you know.
If you watch thru this video a second or third time, take a look at how stunned the kids are in the back just watching this go down. It feels like this tournament was literally at a local high school or something cause these kids can barely drive! Lowkey, I'm surprised this isn't a Fortnite tournament...

I'm always fascinated too when we get to see video game smack talk in the real world. All these nerds are always hiding behind their screens so shoutout to this 16 year old who never broke focus once from the game, yet managed to still keep smack talking Mr Yankee Brim.
Lastly, I wanna give a quick shoutout to whoever set up this tournament. Even though it may seem simple and small - it ain't easy running a LAN tournament! Takes a lot of coordination to make it run smoothly. This year has been fairly slow when it comes to LAN clips, but that's probably because this Call of Duty is hot garbage.